Services | Tax Planning

At GF&R, we believe tax planning works best when it’s not a one-time act, but a habit. The three keys to our approach is to remind, inform, and educate our clients to make tax planning a consistent part of their lives.

Remind: We remind our clients to send us their information each fall to help us understand how their tax position has changed for the year. We use this information to raise options—whether the situation involves a loss producing a potential carryback and the opportunity to harvest gains tax free, or you’re dealing with a gain and we can work to expedite deductions from the next year to the current year.

Inform: Key to our tax planning decision-making processes is what is happening in Washington, D.C. We stay abreast of current developments and send our clients regular informational updates on changes to the law that may impact their decisions.

Educate: Our year-end processes involve a hands-on meetings with clients, where we work to educate them about the tax decisions they make on their own or with our guidance. We review what worked in prior years and help clients develop ingrained habits for fall planning. This continuing education guides clients to make good decisions for themselves, their businesses and their families.